Hi , my name is shravanc and i wanted to explain some thing you can say about hand
from shravanc.
Before reading the palm, look at the fingers to see if they’re short orlong. This isn’t always easy to gauge when you’re just beginning, but
a little practice will enable you to assess the finger length at a glance.
The fingers are considered long if they can fold back and touch a spot
at least seven-eights of the way along the palm. Unfortunately, there
are exceptions, as some people have extremely flexible hands while
others are very stiff. Also, someone with an extremely oblong palm
may have long fingers that only reach halfway down the palm, as the
palm itself is very long. With experience you’ll be able to look at
someone’s palm and instantly know if the fingers are long or short.
The problem comes when you’re first learning and find a hand with
fingers that seem to be neither long nor short. Fortunately, we can
cover that situation as well.
Long Fingers
If the fingers are long, the person pays attention to detail and you can
“You enjoy complex work. You’re patient and enjoy all the fiddly bits – you like
the details in things. Your work must be very consuming and gratifying. If it’s
too simple you lose interest very quickly.”
Short Fingers
Someone with short fingers is almost the opposite. They’ll be more
interested in the broad strokes rather than the details and won’t have
much patience. You could say:
“You’re always busy. Sometimes you may start something new before you’ve
finished the last task. You often have several things on the go at the same time.
The Heart Lines (various ending positions)
The heart line governs our emotional lives and shows how we relate to
others. It’s the major line nearest the fingers. It runs across the palm,
starting under the little finger and usually ends in the area between the
first and second finger.
Physical heart line
If the Heart Line forms a gentle curve, starting under the little finger
and ending between the first and second fingers, it’s known as the
Physical Heart Line. People with Physical Heart Lines are generally
able to express their feelings well. Although they suffer their share of
ups and downs, they pick themselves up quickly and get on with their
lives. They’re likely to express their feelings in a physical, assertive
manner. You could say to someone with this type of heart line:
“As your heart line ends right up under the fingers, it shows that you
have an open nature and can express your innermost feelings. You’re
warm and affectionate. When things go wrong you manage to pick
yourself up quickly.”
The Head Line (various ending positions)
The Head Line governs the person’s intellect and shows the quality of
their thinking at different stages in life. It also reveals how the person
approaches problems and reveals much about their attitude towards
It’s said that the longer the Head Line, the more intelligent the person
may be. But a long Head Line doesn’t guarantee intelligence. Because
we only use a small portion of our mental capacity, apparent
intelligence is hard to measure.
We could learn a new fact every day from birth to death and never run
out of brain capacity. Therefore, someone with a long Head Line, but
a lazy attitude, will not excel as much as a person with a short Head
Line, but a zest for life.
It’s better to use the length of the Head Line to estimate how detailed
that person’s thinking is. The longer the line, the more complex and
involved the thinking.
As with the Heart Line, the Head Line can be divided into two main
1. The imaginative Head Line
2. The practical Head Line.
The Imaginative Head Line
The imaginative Head Line curves upwards towards the wrist and
ends in the area of the palm known as the Mount of Lunar
(imagination). This area is called the creative subconscious and gives
the person creativity and good imagination. These people need variety
and stimulation in their lives. When you meet someone with this type
of headline you can say:
“You have a creative, imaginative approach to everything you do.
Your work must be interesting, or you quickly lose focus. You work
best in aesthetic surroundings and appreciate the finer things in life.
You have refined tastes.”
The Practical Head Line.
The other main type of Head Line is the practical one. This line runs
straight across the palm. As the name suggests, this belongs to people
who have their feet firmly planted on the ground and live very much
in the present. Here you could say:
“You have a practical, down-to-earth approach to everything you do.
You don’t take much on trust, preferring to work things out for
yourself. You like to get down to the bottom of things and make up
your own mind.”
If the Head Line starts inside the Life Line, it’s an indication of lack
of confidence, probably due to family matters in that person’s early
If the Head Line starts, attached to the Life Line and remains joined
for some distance, it shows that the family influence was so strong
that the person was not able (or was not willing) to make decisions on
their own.
The Life Line (coloured lines)
The Life Line is the line that encircles the thumb, starting from the
edge of the palm on the side of the first finger going in a semi-circle
around the mound at the base of the thumb. Like the other lines it
should be clear and well marked.
The Life Line is the one everyone thinks they know! I don’t know
how many times people have come to me and said:
“My Peter has a very short life line. Does that mean he’ll die young?”
This is another subject you must cover as everyone is vitally interested
in obtaining money, or in being secure in their old age. There are two
main sports to look for concerning money, and these are shown in the
drawings below.
For most right-handed people, the left hand is the receptive hand. For left-handed
people, the right hand is likely to be the receptive hand. If you are in doubt, or were
changed from a left-hander to a right-hander as a child, the following test can be
used to discover which hand is your receiver.
1. Hold both hands at chest level with fingertips pointing up and palms facing each
2. Rub hands together very lightly to stimulate the energy flow.
3. Move your hands closer together, then apart, feeling the flow of energy.
4. Whichever hand feels stronger, or that it is emitting stronger energy, that is your
dominant hand. The other is your non-dominant or receptive hand. Always use
your receptive hand in psychometry.
When you are beginning your work in psychometry, always pick up or touch an
object with your receptive hand. If you pick up the object with your dominant hand,
you may inadvertently transmit an impression as you do.
Form a habit of using your receptive hand to take things from others, and to pick up
something you may intend to use. This will be a challenge, as you are probably
used to picking things up and holding things with your dominant hand, but this
practice will help you to remember to use your receptive hand for psychometric
How To Practice Psychometry
As we have already learned, all objects carry an energy frequency connected to the
person they are most in contact with. You can learn to interpret these energies with
the exercises that follow.
The first exercise is for the individual, but it is best performed with a friend from
whom you can receive feedback.
1. Sit relaxed with your eyes closed and your hands in your lap, palms up.
2. Instruct a person to place an object that they have had in their possession for a
long time in your receptive hand.
3. Relate everything that you see in your mind, think of, hear in your head and any
feelings that you have while holding the object.
You may pick up some thoughts, feelings, and symbols that seem meaningless to
you but keep talking as much as possible about what is in your mind and you may
be amazed at how much is relevant to the owner of the object. This technique
develops your gift of feeling. It gives you the experience of learning to tune into
another person's vibrations to discern what you are feeling.
Sometimes, while practicing psychometry, the feelings associated with the object
Some people can distinguish colours and patterns through dermo-optic perception.
Various colours have different feeling. Some have described black as "sticky" or
"clinging" to the touch, while yellow was "slippery" and blue was found to be "still
more slippery, but cool to the touch, like delicate ice." Red causes great, bold
radiation, and according to some, is so hot that the subject immediately draws his
hand away, as though from searing heat.
It seems that small children are sensitive to colours, and can easily distinguish them
merely by feel. One young mother reports the case of her six-year-old daughter’s
ability to distinguish colours by touch. She discovered it one day while she was
wrapping Christmas presents, she asked her six-year-old daughter to give her the
bolt of red ribbon. Her daughter reached into a bag without looking and
immediately pulled the right colour of ribbon out of the bag, and repeated this with
green, gold, white, and blue ribbon. She never pulled the wrong colour out of the
With practice, we can all master the ability to read by touch. Here is an exercise to
help you develop your sense of touch.
1. Prepare a bowl of lukewarm water.
2. Close your eyes and gently dip your fingers into the water.
3. Repeat this exercise for about five minutes at a time.
At first, you may have some difficulty knowing exactly when your fingers make
contact with the water, but after a bit of practice, you will feel the tips of your
fingers becoming more sensitized.
Feeling textures is also a helpful means of developing dermo-optic perception.
Place various specimens such as salt, sugar, sand, or other granular substances into
small separate envelopes and touch each substance through the envelopes. Don’t
reach in and touch the substance directly. First, try to distinguish it through the
paper of the envelope. At first, it may seem impossible to detect exactly what your
fingertips are touching through the paper, since all of the substances are similar in
texture. Here is the point of the test where you must not doubt! Trust your instincts.
With patient practice, you will be able to detect the substances in the envelopes just
by using your fingertips.
Various objects have different feelings. This applies not only to texture, but to
vibration as well. Because everything radiates its own specific energies, trained
fingertips can sense these differences. Awareness of this speeds up your own
development in dermo-optical attempts.
Feel the difference between wood and paper, plastic and metal, wool and silk, china
Worry lines
Almost everyone has a number of Worry Lines on their hands.
These are lines that radiate out from the bottom of the thumb across
towards the Life Line.
If the person have very few of these I comment favourably on that,
saying “I wish I had as few worries as you!” If they have a lot I
comment on the fact that they are worrying less the older they get:
“You have your own share of worries, but they are largely behind you
now. You have it more under control and are gradually worrying less
the older you become. These are mainly family worries.” I pause at
the end of this, and wait for some indication that the worries are
“family” worries. 99 times out of 100 the lady will nod and her head,
say yes, or in some other way indicate that I am correct. If I get no
response I bear that in mind for her next line we come to, the Destiny line..
Many children do have short life lines, but this line lengthens as they
It’s really impossible to tell when someone will die, simply by looking
at the life line. Several other factors are also involved. Moreover, it’s
inexcusable for any palmist to tell someone when they’re going to die,
as their prediction could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I know a woman who was told, at sixteen, that she would die at the
age of fifty. For years before she reached fifty, she worried about the
prediction. Finally, on her fifty first birthday, she felt relieved.
Fortunately, she’s still very much alive, but she experienced years of
needless stress and anxiety. Even though many other psychics, myself
included, assured her the first reading was wrong, she still went
through years of agony.
So if you think you see some indication of illness or even death in the
palm of your clients, please do not tell the client. Tell the client
positive things about themselves. Give them hope for the future.
Remember, the hands are constantly changing. What you read today,
could be very different from what you read a year from now.
I never tell anyone when they are going to die, even if the date seems
obvious to me. I urge you to do the same. After all, the hands can
change and nullify your prediction.
A short Life Line does not indicate a short life, just as a long Life Line
does not guarantee a long life. You will find some people with all
three main lines(Life, Head and Heart) short.
The life line is the first line that is formed on the palm and appears by
the time the human embryo is eight weeks old. This line is quickly
followed by the Heart line and the Head line. It’s interesting to note
that these lines appear before the baby is able to make any
movements. This means they are not merely “flexure” lines caused by
bending the hand, as some critics of palm reading claim.
look people who are seeing this and beliving is left ...According to my thoughts is true,,,,
Once again i will thank you reading this information,,,yours obedently shravanc
for more about this topic contact me at mrshravanc@gmail.com
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