Developing world

Hi my name shravanc ,today data junk yard is going speed the world. Computer,hardware,software,internet are the main facts that develop our world. What is computer? Computer is am electronic device capable me performing both arithmetic and logic funtions.There are many types of computes like digital computer,analog computer,hybrid computer,micro computer and super computer come under sub divison of computer. HARDWARE :,, what is hardware?All the physical components of a computer are collectively called hardware. Even memory,CPU,RAM also come under hardware. SOFTWARE: what is software?Software is a set of instrutions that run in the hardware me a computer.EX:Data,bit,byte,program,computer language.what is KB,MB,GB?KB means kilo kb is equal to 1024 KB.1MB means 1GB.1024GB is equal to 1TB.What is internet?Internet is the largest computer network in the world in the world linking universities,research institutions,commercial organizations.It offers access to the world wide web,email and variety of services.
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