Details of food

Human body needs energy to function and to repair the wear and tear of its organs.Food provides this energy and heat.It also helps growth and development of the human body.Man can take a variety of foods to get this energy.Variety satisfies human nature for change.Moreover,no single food can be camplete in respect of the need of various nutrients.
the nutrients needed by human body and found in foodstuffs may be classified as:
5water and

Proteins are complex nitrogenous organic compounds of high molecular weight and amino acids joined togather by peptide linkage into one or more inter-linked polypeptide chains.
proteins are necessary to build up the tissues,generating energy and heat and they repair the worn out tissues,etc.EX-Eggs,meat,cereals,dals,etc,are rich in proteins.

Fat is essential part of a balanced diet as it produces energy,helps in burning carbohydrates and also serves as a reserve food.

These are organic compounds composed of carbon,hydrogen and oxygen.they are main soure of heat and energy in the body and form a main part of human diet.EX:Sugar,wheat,maize.etc

calcium,phosphorus,potassium,iron,chlorine,etcare the mineral salts necessary for human body.Iron enriches blood,calcium makes bones strong and the iodine provides stamina and endurance.milk and eggs are good source of calcium.Green, lr=eafy vegetables are rich in iron.

It is the compound of oxygen and hydrogen and th very basis of life.Ithelps in digestion,swallowing of food,and keeping the temperature of the bofy to the reqired level.About 70% of our body weight is that of water.

Vitamins are complex organic compounds, essentially required in samll quantities by all human beings besides animals
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